Christmas Gift Giveaway

Our Christmas Gift Giveaway is the biggest event of the year for us! We collect toys, clothing, shoes, boots, and toiletries throughout the year for our Christmas Giveaway. Many, many families in our community are able to have a nice Christmas because of the generous donations we receive for this event each year.It wouldn’t be […]
Senior Box Program

Thanks to the generosity of the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, there is a wonderful program for seniors who could use some extra help with food. If you are 60 years or older, on a fixed income, be sure to sign up for a senior box of food that will be delivered once a month […]
Community Caring and Learning Garden

Our raised bed garden was established in 2019 to provide fresh, organic vegetables for visitors to the Caring Closet. In addition, through various gardening/farming activities, we hope to educate anyone participating in the process of “Planting, Preparing, and Preserving” fresh/organic food. Our garden is open to any members of our community who want to learn […]
Mobile Food and Produce Trucks

At different times throughout the year, the Caring Closet will schedule what is called a Mobile Food Pantry from the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. A Mobile Food Pantry consists of a whole semi full of breads, bakery items, produce, meat, and varied staple food items. During a Mobile Food Pantry distribution, we can provide […]